The Click Five Has a song all about me...I can't believe I didn't discover this until now:
The Click Five Has a song all about me...I can't believe I didn't discover this until now:
I am was a listener. I have my 'HSM' and 'Glee Cast' stations that I can't get enough of. I'd heard my good friend Shark gripe about the crazy rule they have, and hadn't yet experienced for myself. This lovely Monday morning I get this message:
I've whaaat? and you want me to whaaat? Say Whaaaaat? Monthly listening limit,?PAY $0.99?
I think not, I think not.
I've already put up with the addition of their annoying advertisements. Like the one for Where the Wild Things Are that plays about every 4 songs...if you think that stupid song "L-O-V-E it's a mystery oooooh..." is a song that DOESN'T get stuck in your head just like "This is the song that doesn't end it just goes on and on my friend," you're totally wrong (see here if you don't know what I'm talking about).
Regardless, I had to find a way to listen to some jams (fo free, fo sho) this morning. So I ventured to AOL Radio to see what was up...
Immediately I went to the Pop section. '90's Pop seemed like it would be right up my alley. I threw my earphones in to rock out. After listening to Robyn: 'Do You Know What it Takes?', K-Ci & JoJo: 'All My Life', and Venga Boys: 'Boom Boom Boom Boom!' I heard a song that took me wayyyy back. The song was like my anthem in 1990..That's right, it's Snap: 'The Power'.
Now I bet you're thinking, 'But Popprincess you're so young how could a song from 1990 be your jam?'
Well back in 1990 when i was 4, Moose convinced me to cross the monkey bars and promised she would catch me if I fe.l. I started to fall and Moose ran for the hills. I broke my arm and was put in a cast. This must have sparked some sort of anger in a young pprincess...
When Moose and Beef picked on me (because I was a scrawny 4 year old). I would hit them with my cast and the shout from the top of our stair case 'I GOT THE POWAHHHH [OWAH OWAH]'. That's right, it would echo down the staircase.
So thank you AOL radio, for bringing me back to my roots.
Today, I got in a war with a short bald annoying man over a conference room.
Is it bad I wish I was 15? And not because I could drink in the woods without being a creep and eat as much ice cream as a damn well pleased...
Tommy - Is cheated on by Tiffany.
Todd- Dude Tiffany cheats with.
Popprincess (Me) - One of the many single ladies in the universe.
Chapter 1
Tiffany and Tommy are dating.
Chapter 2
Tiffany meets Todd at the bar, Tiffany cheats on Tommy with Todd.
Analysis: Tiffany is a whore.
Chapter 3
Popprincess was at the bar that very night, but doesn't seem to run into any nice, single guys.
Analysis: Tiffany is a whore, stealing up single guys when she is not in fact single.
Chapter 4
Tommy finds out Tiffany cheated and breaks up with her. Tommy is devastated.
Chapter 5
Tommy finally begins moving on, his friends introduce him to Popprincess. He thinks she is nice, EXTREMELY pretty, but 'isn't ready' he's not sure he can trust another lady.
Analysis: Tiffany is a whore, and Tommy is damaged goods.
Chapter 6
Tiffany begins to date Todd. Todd knows Tiffany's a cheater and becomes paranoid and possessive about Tiffany. Todd assumes Tiffany is cheating so Todd cheats on Tiffany.
Analysis: Tiffany is a whore. Todd, who was formerly a decent single guy, now damaged goods. Popprincess, still single. Other single dudes out there - Todd stole away a potential lady friend for you.
Chapter 7
Todd dumps Tiffany and exposes all the other dudes Tiffany cheated on Tommy with. Thus, causing several couples to break up, chick fights to be waged via facebook and twitter, and several cars to be keyed.
Tiffany ends up alone.
Overall Analysis:
From what we read in the above story, it is clear that Tiffany is an illogical, irrational, selfish brat. The snowball effect she creates by her cheating is irreversible. Her rash decisions to cheat should have been combated with a little common sense and logic.
As a result, Tiffany causes pain and suffering for more than just Tommy. Todd is now taken to the dark side. Popprincess is still single with all these nice young men being dragged into Tiffany's web of lies and deceit.
So there you have it. Cheaters never win. They make everybody else lose to.
Let the single be single. I'll say it - there's only soo many good fish out there, so Tiff, you leave them be.
My Current Wish List
#1 - A 19 Year old Cowboy Boyfriend
This is Lucas Till - after watching Hannah Montana: The Movie last night, I would like a cowboy boyfriend (even though I'm afraid of horses, I'd get over it).
Also - don't worry, born in 1990 (eek) makes him 19, therefore, completely legal.
side note: he was also featured in Tay Swift's 'You Belong with Me' Video#2 A friend to go to monster jam with
It's Monday, October 26th, 7:00PM @ the Garden.
Jay Sean, Mano, Keri Hilson, Jeremih, Fabolous, Pitbill will all be there.
Holler @ your girl.
Side note: I was able to get a few people to say yes on Friday when they were hammered. Now they won't go.
'So that means that when I make a mistake, I have eight different people coming by to tell me about it. That's my only real motivation is not to be hassled, that and the fear of losing my job. But you know, Bob, that will only make someone work just hard enough not to get fired' ~ Peter Gibbons, Office Space
Over the summer, Beef was whining about something she wanted.
Kinda obsessed...
That's all water under the bridge.
Britney ain't back y'all, she never really left.