I agreed, I didn't thank any girls had.
However, Mama Popprincess (Mo) threw out her back last week and is fully out of commission. Moose set her up with a TV, DVD player and season 1 of both LOST and 24.
Last night, I was home with Mo, and thought why don't we give this show a shot...
After about an hour
Me: ya, it's addicting
Mo: I'll have to buy the seasons and then sell them, how many are there?
immediately I googled
Me: Holy sh*t this started in 2001?? There have been 8 seasons? 195 Episodes? We'll be watching this until we die without catching up!
2 hours later
Me: Except for the fact that her arm is broken, she was kidnapped, roofied, and hit by a car, but yeah it's pretty much just like you.
Mo: Yeah, that's a lot to happen to a person in one night.
Mo and I took in 6 episodes of season one...in one night. Sadly, I really hope she's reading today and not watching without me.
So yes fox, 2 girls in the history of the world have liked 24, Popprincess & Mo.
p.s. after only 6 episodes I get the whole "Jack Bauer is the man" thing.
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