Nope, not me, I want to be adopted by my boss.
Don't get me wrong @mocarey is the best mom ever!!! She's a one of a kind lady and if you've ever met her you know she's

Please note: I was eating hydrox, cheez-nips and drinking stop and shop brand juice boxes (dubbed "welfare boxes") all the way through high school.
Let me tell you, when Capri Sun was on sale, we sure had it and I put that juice pouch out for all to see!
So anyway, all of these old feelings were drudged back up at a meeting just after Christmas. My boss was discussing how his holidays were, what he got for his daughters etc (We'll call him Mr. K for all intents and purposes).
Me: A QUEEN SIZED BED? I still sleep in a twin when I visit my old is your daughter?
Mr. K: Four
Me: I was in a twin until I was 22!!!
And that was just the start of it. As we got into discussion about what he and his family had done over vacation....
Mr. K: Oh well we took the girls to New York City. Do you know they have a Hospital at the American Girl store? There was a line over 100 people long waiting to take dolls to the fake hospital.
Me: Oh, American Girl Dolls too? How many do your daughters have?
Mr. K: Oh I'm not sure, maybe two each?
Me: Your daughters have the life I always wanted.
Along with our store brand food items, we did not have American Girl Dolls. We had the booked (borrowed from the library of course) and the paper dolls, that's right paper.
So right now, as we're in the middle of the second of the one-two punch that is just this week's snow storm, he and his daughters are in Jamaica. E-F-F O-F-F. I think when he gets back Monday I'm going to ask him to adopt me.
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