Friday, June 26, 2009

Just in case you weren't aware...

There's no way you don't already know this but in case you are living under a rock in a cold, dark place without any connection to people or technology(and you happen to somehow, someway get ahold of my blog), Michael Jackson died yesterday.

Google, that's right, google, that will someday take over the world, crashed after TMZ reported his death. They interpreted all of the 'Michael Jackson' requests as an automated attack and displayed an error message. Twitter blew up. They had the biggest number of tweets per second since the presidential election, and eventually had to shut down temporarily. Editors on Wikipedia battled back and forth changing his profile prior to the LA coroner officially confirming his death. Within a few hours of the news, Thriller shot to No. 1 on iTunes.

Not to make light of death, but I'm sorry Farrah, you were trumped.

On my way to work I heard the following:

Man in the Mirror
Will You Be There
You Are Not Alone
The Girl is Mine
The Way You Make Me Feel

Thank you oldies 103.3. I got a true appreciation for two of my favorite MJ songs, Hold Me and The Way You Make Me Feel, from some great movies of the 90's: Free Willy and Center Stage Respectively.

Michael Jackson - Will you be there (Free Willy song)

Last night, the first sunny night in about a month, we wanted to drink outside. Yet we were GLUED to the television.

We bantered over the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest and speculated on how he'd actually died, watched the press conference etc...

We became curious about his children, and discovered their names are: Prince Michael Jackson, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, and Prince Michael Jackson II( aka Blanket Jackson).

Upon some research via wikipedia, we discovered blanket is a term of endearment,meaning to protect/love "I'll blanket you, You should blanket her"

Biz was really afflicted by the whole thing.
Biz: Guys, this is really sad.
Me: Ya
Biz: I mean it's really sad, I wanted to go to his concert
Me: Really Biz, that's why this is sad?

Her roommate asked us, no less than 12 times:


If you haven't here it is:

Yes MJ had gone slightly if not completely crazy and Neverland is not a place I would let my kiddies go, but there's gotta be a reason why everyone is paying tribute to him. A friend even said this morning "If you think I was not rocking out to MJ this morning you are mistaken. If I could have Moon walked to work I would have". Yep, Ditto.

So I have put some sweet beats below for you to enjoy!

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