You're right I think it's physically and mentally impossible for a woman to go an entire 365 days without cheese.
The Year Without Cheese is more of a mantra than a full calendar year without a food most people can't live without.
During The Year Without Cheese I will have a different task each month, whether it be giving something up or trying something new.

Over the weekend I was discussing my plan for the month with TACO:
Popprincess: I mean, it's going to be so hard, no pizza, mozarella sticks, Nachos??
TACO: Wow, I really like your hierarchy of cheese.
Me too TACO, me too. Unfortunately I did have some cheese on New Year's day (I just wasn't ready) so I will not be able to have Cheese until February 2nd. EFF.
Whoever wants to join me at the local bar on 2/2 I will be ordering every single item on the menu that has cheese in it.
Obvi I'll be blogging about how this whole shabang goes...
Here are the ideas I have for the coming months:
Ordering take-out, going to new bars/restaurants (aka not allowed to go to the beer garden for a whole month), no texting/bbm-ing, no internet & facebook (except internet for work), read a book a week, no chocolate or sweets, no complaining (okay that one might actually be impossible, but maybe I could try it for a week).
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